Weary, Wary, or Worry?

Today’s title can cause us to pause and reflect on what’s going on in the world and the effect it’s had on us. We are weary of all the conflicting “science” pushing a COVID agenda of social distancing, ineffective mask mandates and unintended consequences, e.g. business closings. I’m being kind calling them “unintended.” It has made us wary of anything coming out of the CDC or the White House, and it makes us worry about our future. It has shaken our trust and confidence in our leadership, be it political or “scientific.” What should our response be?

There is an answer.

Jesus told the crowds, “Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt.11:28). What did the crowds have to be weary from? Roman (read: government) oppression, capricious taxes, onerous regulations. You know, the same things we see in America today. How do we get rest from our weariness?

The first thing to remember is that nothing sneaks up on God. He is the undisputed ruler of the universe; He does whatever He pleases (Ps. 115:3). With that knowledge, we can be confident that Biden, Putin, and Xi Jinping  are all doing exactly what God wants them to do. Secondly, what is happening around the world in every place, was planned before the first grain of sand appeared on earth (Gen. 1:9); it is not something that just showed up and God had to figure out how to deal with it. The end of life in time was planned then too.

Have you ever been to a movie

and groaned when “The End” appeared on screen because you wanted more movie? There will be groaning and weeping and gnashing of teeth when God calls “the end”…except for those of us who know Jesus Christ as our Savior. We will be ecstatic with shouts of joy at our homecoming.

The other two Ws

often creep in when our weariness leaves us down, depressed about the future, and doubting that God really knows what’s going on. We become wary (cautious, guarded, untrusting) of everybody and everything. We worry (become anxious, fearful) about what will happen to the world and me specifically. If you find yourself in this quagmire, take a minute to reboot your relationship with God. Remember His promises. Here are a few:

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits; who pardons all your iniquities (Ps. 103:2).

“I will never desert you nor will I ever forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).

“Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (Rom. 12:19).

“I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14: 2,3).

…and there are so many more, all of which are available to each of us in our relationship with Jesus. Don’t let what you read in the news or see on the TV be what you base your contentment, your peace, your hope on. All you need is Jesus and His word.

For encouragement,

I suggest reading through the Psalms. Psalm 1 is a great place to start; only six verses but so powerful and encouraging for the family of God. We don’t have to live with weariness about the present, wariness of people and circumstances, or worry about our tomorrows. Christ overcame all that at the cross. Let Him be the provider, the protector, and the peace that passes all understanding. He wants to. He’s ready and willing to. He’s just waiting for us to come to Him in humility and faith. What are we waiting for?

Posted in Uncategorized.

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