About the Author

Mike was a US Army Drill Sergeant during the unpopular war and had the job of turning boys into men in 10 weeks or less. He is an instrument rated private pilot. For the last four years he’s been a handyman, helping people with electrical, plumbing, and light carpentry. He’s married to the same girl for 51 years, has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and lives in beautiful Colorado Springs.

As a retired sales and operations executive providing telecommunication and computer solutions to large and small companies for over 3 decades, and selling oil and gas investments to accredited investors for another, the common denominator was always customer satisfaction.

A consumer of large and small ticket items himself, he has first-hand experience on both sides of the sales process where his time in the trenches gives him a unique perspective of how it really should be done.

In Beyond the MBA, Mike shares his wit and wisdom as he sheds light on the critical and financially important customer service function and gives an insider’s look at what should be, and often is not, the standard of excellence and position of prominence it should hold within the corporate structure. Click here to see samples from the book.