No God No Heaven No Hurry

All three are lies from the pit. One has greater success than the others. The devil can’t get most people to outright believe there is no God or no heaven. But “no hurry,” that’s a winner. “There’s always tomorrow,” he says. And like the people who mocked Peter’s message about Christ’s return, (“Where’s the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” [2 Pet. 3:4]), today’s mockers swallow the lie and blow off the warnings too. Many have twisted the age-old adage to fit their bent to procrastination, “never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.”

There’s also a twist (lie) on the existence of heaven. Jesus talks about two ways (narrow and broad) in Matthew 7:13,14. The devil doesn’t deny the existence of heaven, he just changes the road sign and labels the road to hell, heaven. The narrow way (the right path to heaven) doesn’t appeal to the masses. There are rules to obey, shiny objects to reject, delayed gratification to practice. The broad way (the path to hell) has none of those silly restrictions. Great mass appeal. That’s why Jesus says of the narrow way, “there are few who find it.” (Matt. 7:14)

Why do many reject the warnings

of Christ’s return for His church? I think it’s like the neighbor’s car alarm that is overly sensitive and goes off all the time. We eventually tune it out. There had never been a worldwide flood…until there was. God destroyed the entire earth except for 8 people and the animals Noah brought into the ark. At a minimum, those who perished had at least 100 years of warning. That’s how long it took Noah to build the ark. Today, we’ve had millennia to consider the warnings. But just like the car alarm, we’ve tuned them out.

I believe the deeper issue is we just don’t want accountability. Well, here’s the hard truth. We either deal with our sins before we die and face God as one of His children, loved and forgiven, or we face Him after we die as our righteous judge and jailer.

How many of you have experienced the sudden death

of a friend or loved one? We often hear, “before his time” when it’s a child or younger person. But that’s not true. The Bible tells us that each of us has an expiration date (Ps. 139:16) ordained by God before we were born. I know from personal experience that tomorrow is not guaranteed; I have buried two children (1-yr old, 27-yr old).

My purpose in writing is not to condemn you, your sins have already done that. No, it’s to be a beacon in a dark place pointing you to the safety of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Someone said that a lighthouse is only a tourist attraction…until it gets dark. Are you in a dark place today? Heed the alarms, don’t tune them out. Come to the Savior before it’s too late. Check out our “Steps to Salvation” Appendix.