A common denominator…

…for a life of fear, stress, and uncertainty is the need for spiritual peace, to know that your eternal future is secured with a title deed in the right place. There is ONLY ONE way to find that…in Jesus Christ. Each chapter/week (52) in the book Christ in Men is a different character quality modeled by Jesus in His life on earth. Each has one week’s worth of daily writings intended to encourage a life of righteousness, faithfulness and purpose.

The reaction to COVID-19…

has shown everyone how quickly life on earth can change for the worse. And this isn’t even God’s (final) judgment yet.  But suppose a day, actually a moment, is coming when, like the flip of a light switch, God calls timeout. At that second, everyone will be in one of two camps: those who believed God’s warnings and prepared, and those who didn’t. That day IS coming…maybe soon, and there won’t be any additional warnings.

If you’re not sure…

which camp you’ll be in, or if you think that you’ve “been good enough,” then this website is for you. The most important decision you will ever face is how you answer God when you stand in judgment and He asks you: “What did you do with my Son Jesus?

Please take some time…

to read the daily words of truth on the Christ in Men page.   Your eternal future is at stake. If, after reading, you’d like to learn more about how you can know for sure that you’ll be in the right group, click here and ask your question. Someone will get back to you right away.

 If you’d like prayer for yourself or someone else, click here and fill in the information (always kept confidential). We welcome your comments and prayer requests. “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16

Steps To Salvation