The Time of Our Life
A second, a minute, an hour
Does not diminish God’s power
—He’s the same today1
—No less any way
We hide in the strength of His tower.2
A minute, an hour a day
What more are we able to say
—Than God’s on His throne3
—We’re never alone4
He bids us to come and to pray.5
An hour, a day, or a week
We ask, and we knock, and we seek6
—The world, we are told
—Is not for the bold
It belongs to those who are meek.7
A day, or a week or a year
Our Father could not be more near8
—He plans our reward9
—To know Him as Lord10
If we’re quiet, His voice we will hear.
A week or a year or our life
Whether filled with darkness and strife
—Can never compare
—To what we’ll hear there
“Welcome home” to my bride and my wife.11
1 Heb. 13:8
2 Prov. 18:10
3 Psa. 11:4
4 Deut. 31:8
5 Psa. 105:4
6 Matt. 7:7
7 Matt. 5:5
8 Psa. 145:18
9 Isa. 40:10
10 Phil. 3:10
11 Luke 19:17; Rev. 19:7