Today is Christmas

Today is Christmas We’ve all heard the Christmas story about how God became man in the form of a baby with the sole purpose of dying on the cross to redeem sinful man. Have you ever really considered why? Why would God, who is self-existent and needs nothing, bother creating mankind, knowing how depraved we’d become to the point of […]

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Growth Not Perfection

Growth, Not Perfection Military slogans abound. “Be all you can be”, “A few good men”, and others. And they are good in their intent. They just miss the mark of eternal significance. Ask yourself, “What is the goal of a slogan?” Isn’t it something to motivate you toward a defined end? There’s nothing wrong, in and of themselves, with slogans. […]

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Turn on the Light

Turn on the Light Little kids are often afraid of the dark and some never outgrow it. Most homes have some form of nightlight to combat the dark. The boogeyman checks under his bed for Chuck Norris and at camp, we sit around the campfire telling spooky stories…just before bedtime. Nyctophobia is fairly common—a severe fear of the dark—and with […]

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I am–you’re not

I Am—You’re Not Pride is ugly and insidious. But mostly it’s just a liar. It tells me I’m all that and a bag of chips when in truth, everything I have was given to me (I Cor. 4:7) and “…apart from Me [Jesus] you [I] can do nothing.” (John 15:5) We get degrees and more degrees, we buy things and […]

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How Does Your Garden Grow

How Does Your Garden Grow? I have to tell you neither of my thumbs is green. But this year my wife talked me into helping her plant tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers, two out of the three I don’t even eat. I’m sure I’ll be rewarded in heaven. Of course the tomatoes did fine. But as soon as the carrots began […]

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Who Do You Look Like

Who Do You Look Like? Remember the fun-house mirrors in amusement parks of days gone by? We could look taller, fatter, have different proportions. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Americans spent over $16.5 billion in 2018 to change the way they looked. With over 8,000 member surgeons, that’s somewhere around $2 million for each. I’m in the […]

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