Why Wait?

Why Wait? You ever let a friendship lapse for months, even years, and all of a sudden you need a favor from that person? You feel a little sheepish, don’t you? What will they think? Why is he calling now? What does he need? And you wonder if there’s anything left of the relationship. I suggest, that for many of […]

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Two Sides of a Coin

Heads or tails? Win or lose is a 50/50 proposition. If the stakes are small, it’s no big deal to lose the toss. In football overtime it can sometimes mean the game if you get the ball first. What are you flipping the coin of life to answer? You’ve heard it said that not to decide is a decision, the […]

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Talk to Yourself

Used to be if you talked to yourself you were headed for the padded cell. But D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) spawned the idea of talking to yourself instead of listening to yourself in this quote, “Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to […]

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Better Than Gold?

Gold has always been… a highly prized possession. Just in the first two books of the Bible, it’s mentioned nearly 100 times. The temple was adorned with gold. The ark of the covenant was covered with gold. The temple utensils were gold. Abraham was rich in gold. When the Israelites were getting ready to leave Egypt, the men and women […]

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Out of the Heart

You ever have one of those days when you open your mouth and you can’t believe what you just said? If only you had a 7-second delay like radio broadcasters and could squash it before anybody heard and you had to figure out how to get your foot out of your mouth. Today’s thought was spawned by Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate […]

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God’s 12 Step Program

Everybody has a top-10 list of something, cars, songs, places to live, easy meals. God has a top-10 list. They’re called commandments. You know, thou shall, and thou shall not? Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12-step program to change lives for those battling the demon rum. Guess what? God has a 12-step program too. The steps are rungs on a ladder […]

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