There Are Answers

There Are Answers But nobody is asking the right questions. What should I study in school to have a good career? Where should I live? What kind of car should I buy? These are all good questions. But in the big picture, they’re not important. The value of these questions is dependent on your worldview. If you’re one who believes […]

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Competition is not a bad word. In fact, when we use our God-given talents to be the best we can, we honor and glorify God. We often see the negative side of competition—the strutting and taunting—but that says more about the character of those who behave that way than about the act of competing. I love it when scripture gives […]

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If Not Me

If Not Me… The other day, I was with a group of men studying the Beatitudes in Matthew. You know, blessed are the…fill in the blank. Just after that section, we’re reminded that we are salt and light. Our study took us through the primary attributes of both. It was a convicting study because of the one glaring conclusion I […]

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Again and Again

Again and Again My reading today brought me to the Old Testament book of Judges. Haven’t been here for quite a while. But just the name often strikes fear when I think I might have to stand before one for something stupid I did. The book starts out as a continuation of where Joshua left off right after his death. […]

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Now and Later

Now and Later Two buildings stand side by side, separated by a wide moat filled with large allegators. On top of the first is a treasure nobody has ever seen, riches beyond comprehension. On top of the second building are lots of people, music, laughter and, though not immediately apparent from below, loneliness. You approach with a ladder that will […]

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Today’s Headline

Today’s Headline From 2500 Years Ago It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know something is wrong with our society. But it does take intellectual honesty. The United States was founded on Biblical principles; our Founding Fathers came here to escape religious persecution from the English crown. But in the last two and a half centuries, we have travelled so […]

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