Countdown Clock

(Idea from a message by Pastor Matt Niemier, Villas Grace, Ft. Myers, FL) Countdown Clock The world of marketing and advertising creates a false sense of urgency with phrases like: “Only 14 left at this price,” “Sale ends at midnight,” “Be the envy of your neighborhood” and anything else they can concoct around the themes of limited time, limited number, […]

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The Three Rs

The Three Rs We’ve all heard of the Three Rs from school days, Reading, wRiting, and aRithmetic. But do you know the Three Rs from Revelation? Remember, Repent, and Return (implied) (Rev. 2:5). Alliteration is often a useful tool to help us remember key points in the written word, speeches, or debates. I use it here because what I want […]

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Hope Or Hype? I wrote about hope back in September 2021 (Hope Does Not Disappoint), but at the beginning of this new year, it seems a fitting topic to be revisited because hopelessness in our world seems more prevalent than two and a half years ago. What has happened in that time? Several things come to mind. We have a […]

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No I in Team

No I in Team  We’ve all heard the coach’s pep talk, “There’s no I in TEAM” intended to build camaraderie among team members and a reminder to not be a ball hog. We may have heard the same thing in a business environment where it or something like it—“We all work for the same company here”—is preached if not practiced. […]

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To or From Little words with tremendous implications. Opposite directional words that expose our hearts, belie our attitudes and condemn or confirm us. Jesus said to the people gathered around, “So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (Jn. 8:36). The question we should be asking is, “Free from what?” Many people who have been exposed […]

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Deliver The Mail

Deliver The Mail Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night…are the beginning words of the unofficial motto of the U.S. Postal Service. They’re supposed to imply the commitment to do all in the postal carrier’s ability to get your letter or package to you. But in today’s world of shortages, ambivalence, excuses, and more, their reputation has […]

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