How’s Your Weather

Technically, Fall isn’t here for another 20 days. But it was only 44 degrees when I went out to get my paper yesterday. I’ve lived in the upper Midwest and visited my daughter in Houston, so I don’t complain about Colorado Springs weather—cold or hot. Speaking of cold or hot, one thing I love about God’s Word is that it […]

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Watch Where You’re Going

Never thought I’d trip over my own shoe sole. I guess it’s because sometimes I don’t pick up my feet far enough and my rubber soles grab and hold the tile or concrete or whatever. I can only remember it happening once where my sole caught the edge of a step and down I went. Fortunately, the ground broke my fall […]

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Birthdays and Divorce

Yesterday was my birthday. Today would have been my daughter Staci’s 47th. But I buried her just a couple days after her first. Many would say, “how sad.” And I did for a while because I felt the loss, the emptiness. And even now, I can get teary-eyed when I think of her. But I believed then and even more […]

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What’re the Odds?

We’re in the middle of an election year and everybody has hope that their candidate will win. One side is trying to paint as bleak a picture as they can while blaming the darkness on the incumbent and denying any culpability. The other side is dipping their brush in buckets of hope and painting a bright future with unlimited possibilities. […]

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How’s Your Memory?

Our memories are funny things. I can remember most of the words to oldies I hear on radio, but sometimes forget why I went into the garage. It’s also easy to get sidetracked if, on the way to do one thing, something else calls my attention. Peter spoke to the issue of memory this morning in my reading. He wrote, […]

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The Big Lie

  Joe Biden isn’t “The Father of Lies,” neither is Chuck Schumer. But has it occurred to you that in our society, lying is ubiquitous? It has gotten to the point of incredulity. Some are so blatantly false, yet repeatedly told with straight faces. It seems proof or scientific evidence to the contrary that pokes holes in the lie just […]

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