No Shortages

No Shortages Who’d ever thunk? Baby formula. Toilet paper. Job applicants. Shortages. And all blamed on COVID. Aren’t you thankful that our God is not constrained by supply chain problems or pandemics? The Bible tells us, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Jesus also said, “Do not […]

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My Rights

My Rights You can’t turn on the news or pick up a newspaper without somebody whining about their rights. In my opinion, many are trying to get something they didn’t earn and don’t deserve. The Bible is clear about people like this: “…if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” (2 Thess.3:10). I’m not […]

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Immediate or imminent

Immediate or Imminent? Tomorrow is Tax Day in America. Sunday is Easter. Both events may spawn anxiety, even fear. While we understand the potential fear of dealing with the IRS—even if your reporting is totally honest—there are a lot of folks that should fear what Easter represents, especially if they don’t embrace the truth of the event celebrated. Chocolate Easter […]

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Murder or Love

Murder or Love? It is reported that on April 10, 2019, Irwin Jacobs, a very wealthy Minnesota businessman, took the life of Alexandra, his wife of 57 years, whom he adored, because she was suffering from dementia and had been wheelchair bound for the past year. He then turned the gun on himself and ended his own life. This is […]

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Crush or Edify

Crush or Edify Words have meanings. Often it requires context because the same word can mean more than one thing, especially after modern slang has its go at it. Consider the word “bad.” In my younger days, bad was what you called something you really liked. Confusing? Yes. Unmanageable? No. The Bible has a lot to say about the words […]

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Weary Wary or Worry

Weary, Wary, or Worry? Today’s title can cause us to pause and reflect on what’s going on in the world and the effect it’s had on us. We are weary of all the conflicting “science” pushing a COVID agenda of social distancing, ineffective mask mandates and unintended consequences, e.g. business closings. I’m being kind calling them “unintended.” It has made […]

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