Rewards or Regrets

Rewards or Regrets? * Jonathan Edwards, a giant of the faith from the 18th century (1703-1758), is said to have asked this question: “What will you wish you had done when you come to die?” It’s a very thought-provoking question for both those of us who know Jesus Christ as our Savior and those who don’t. The Apostle Paul said […]

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Once in Ever

Once in…Ever! Have you ever bet on a football game? A horse race? How do the bookmakers determine what to pay if you win? Part is history, part is potential, other competitors, a lot of subjectivity. And they still are wrong much of the time. Consider the recent Denver Broncos – Dallas Cowboys game (Nov. 7, 2021). Going into the […]

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Blameless Joy

Blameless with Great Joy Not guilty! From a simple traffic violation to the grisliest murder, those words spell freedom, release, a second chance. And who in their right mind wouldn’t want to hear them? That’s why it’s so hard to accept the fact that many people will consciously walk away from the ultimate Not Guilty—forgiveness of sins through the blood […]

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Identity Influences Behavior

Identity Influences Behavior I identify as… (fill in the blank). Abraham Lincoln asked, “If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs do you have?” You’d be surprised how many people answer five, not four, without even thinking. The other possible answer is two, depending on which word you emphasize (legs or you). During the 2008 presidential election, […]

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Hope Does Not Disappoint…if it’s in the right thing. “…we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts…” (Rom. 5:3-5) We are living in a time of hopelessness. Pandemics and politicians have painted […]

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Fear of Death

Free From the Fear of Death Our home page says this site is filled with good news. Today’s post is one example. If you or someone you know is afraid of dying, this post is for you. In The FUD Factor (May 4), we said the only reason to fear death is if you don’t know where you go after […]

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