God is Dangerous

God is Dangerous Most of what we hear about God these days, if we hear anything at all, is about His love, mercy, patience, etc. But those who only present one side of God do Him a disservice. Yes, absolutely God is all those things. But if we’re not told of His holiness, His wrath and intolerance of sin, and […]

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Guided by Circumstances

Guided by Circumstances There’s a fine line between foolishness and trust. They are differentiated by the object of our trust. If we’re trusting fate or karma or universal randomness, we are fools because in essence we’ve said, “there is no God.” (Psalm 53:1) On the other hand, if we’re trusting in the One God, creator of heaven and earth, the […]

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What’s In A Name

What’s in a name? Anybody get a name like Chunk, Schnoz, or Dumbo hung on them in grammar school that you didn’t like but it stuck for a while, maybe even a long while? Today, I’d like to suggest we look at our uniqueness from God’s perspective. After all, He made us exactly as He wanted, nose, ears, all of […]

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Are You In the Game

Are You in the Game? What’s the difference between a church pew and a football sideline? Generally speaking, everybody on the bench in football is trained and anxious to get in the game. Not so much church pews today. Many people, young and old, sitting in church think their attendance is all that is required to get their ticket punched. […]

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Can You Handle the Truth

Can You Handle the Truth? You probably remember the line from the 1992 movie A Few Good Men, in which Jack Nicholson’s character, Colonel Jessup, screams at Tom Cruise’s character, Lt. Kaffee, “You can’t handle the truth.” It has worked its way into American culture without much thought given to how prescient the message. I was reminded of this while […]

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It’s Not About Me

It’s Not About Me What do emcees, judges, debate moderators, and preachers all have in common? They’re in the public eye. They direct whatever goes on in their venue. They have a lot of authority to make sure things go well. But THEY ARE NOT THE STAR OF THE SHOW. You might call each one a “pointer.” What do pointers […]

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