Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
In our last post, we talked about decisions, dreams, and discipline. Today, I want to single out decisions and I’m going to assume that most who are reading this are fellow pilgrims on our way to “a better country” (Heb. 11:16).
May I offer congratulations on your decision but also include a friendly reminder? Decision-making doesn’t automatically trigger “success genes” in our DNA. It’s only the first step, albeit a very important one. “How do I turn my decision into reality?” is the next—also crucial—question to ask ourselves.
Can we agree
that our fundamental North Star is God’s Word? Can we further agree that we have an enemy who will do all he can to keep us on rabbit trails instead of the one path that brings us home? And one more to keep us focused: Are we willing to do whatever is necessary to stay on that path?
As people of action, we need to know that a decision without ongoing choices to support it just lies dormant and eventually dies. Think of a life goal, big, bold, attainable. Now think of where you are and how far away the goal is. Not gonna get there in a few, small, timid steps. Don’t be discouraged. There’s a secret that successful goal achievers all know.
There are many steps
to reach a life goal. Some, maybe many, end up at dead ends. Some take us places where we ask ourselves, “How did I get here?” If you’re at all like me, you arrive at a milestone on your goal and look around and wonder where God is. Did you forget to invite Him along on your journey? Or ask Him to give you wisdom and bless your choices?
For believers, our life goal should revolve around finding God’s will for our lives and making choices to move us in that direction. Even the secular world touts something similar. As I mentioned last time, every choice should be made in light of steps toward the big finale. All choices that don’t do that are rabbit trails. Our enemy uses all kinds of “shortcuts,” shiny things, and outright lies to distract us from our purpose.
Decisions are important.
But unless our daily choices are empowered by the Holy Spirit, unless we’re reading, memorizing and meditating on God’s Word, then we are low hanging fruit for the snares of the evil one and before we know it, we’ll be off the path, heading in the wrong direction and may not even be aware of it.
So why does that matter? Part of what should drive our life goal is the desire and expectation of hearing “well done” when we see Jesus. That comes from a life lived in righteousness, humility, and focus on pleasing the One who made us, the One who died for us, and the One who lives in us. By the way, it’s all the same One.
If you happened to stumble
onto this post and it all seems strange to you, it’s because you’re not in God’s family yet. And, trust me, that’s where you want to be. On this website is a section called “Steps To Salvation.” Find it. Read it. Believe it. It explains the most important decision you’ll ever face. Where do you want to spend eternity?
Thanks for reading.