
Fearless In the Face Of …Today

is a compilation of the author’s blog posts over a two-and-a-half-year period. You can see samples by clicking one of the links below.


Are you tired of mediocrity in your Christian life? Are you done with society’s moral decline in the name of “woke”? Are you looking for answers? In Fearless, you’ll get the truth—God’s Word—and the Rock upon which you can build your future. You’ll be encouraged, strengthened, and pointed to the only source that IS truth—the Bible.

Over 100 times in Scripture, we’re told “do not fear” or “do not be afraid.” Because that is a prominent theme, it must be important to God. Why then, are so many living in fear? I believe that as a result, they’ve lost their peace. The world can be a scary place. How does one reacquire one’s peace?

Aside from the common fears of spiders and public speaking, the fear of the unknown ranks high on many people’s list. Why is that? The unknown spawns hopelessness when we don’t know or forget who is in charge of the future. Today’s world scene is definitely changing. Is it good change or just moral decline? Hmmm. For sure moral decline.

I agree there IS a systemic problem,

but it’s NOT racism or antisemitism. It’s an eye problem. As a society, we’ve lost our focus, forgotten why our forefathers left their homes for a better world. The tyranny of the English throne got to the breaking point and brave men and women said “enough.” The freedom to practice religion as we choose was one of the driving forces behind the decision to get on the boats.

Some will say, “That was then, this is now. Times have changed.” That’s true. However, just because we’re on a slippery slope—a societal moral decline that, with each increment of decline, comes the new normal—doesn’t justify turning our backs on the One who, for two and a half centuries, has blessed our nation beyond any before. As morals and values have “left the building,” so has peace. No longer do we look out for each other, our neighbors, or those who don’t look, think, or believe as we do. But fear of just about everything has replaced caring for others with distrust, anger, and hatred.

Our systemic problem is also an “I” problem.

WIIFM (what’s in it for me) has pooh-poohed our communal value system and replaced it with a self-centered, me-at-all-costs mentality. Actions have consequences. Good actions—good consequences; bad actions—bad consequences.

We do have an enemy, but it’s not our neighbor, not the illegal alien, and not those people who look and sound different than us. This enemy would not only harm us on earth, but his diabolical goal is to lie us into hell where the Bible says, “In that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth…” (Luke 13:28). He’s the one fanning the flames of hatred, dissatisfaction, jealousy and more. All toward one end: to destroy you. “The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10)

This book is committed to one purpose,

spreading the good news that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. (I Tim. 1:15) And in that knowledge, hope is born. Jesus finished the verse above about the destroyer, by saying, “…I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Jesus’ words are intended to nurture and solidify our hope. Hope in the right thing or person, knowing that world events haven’t  sneaked up on God and He’s busy “recalculating,” should not only return us to a peaceful state, but also fill us with joy and excitement that we’ll soon be home in heaven with Jesus.

If you’re not experiencing the abundant life that Jesus offers, and I don’t define that as health and wealth but “love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Gal. 5:22, 23), don’t wait to see how bad it’s going to get. It will only get worse. And tomorrow is not promised to anyone.

I’ve been asked “Why do you write?”

The only answer I had until today was, “Because I can’t help it and I feel it’s a calling.” But now I have a different answer. I have prayed that God would take the words and ideas He’s given me (no, I’m not claiming Divine Inspiration) and distribute them as He sees fit. Just now, I came across Habakkuk 2:2,3: “Then the Lord answered me and said, ‘record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’” I’m not predicting the future. It’s already settled in heaven. I’m just drawing attention to what God  said and warns us of. If one person is helped into or back to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ because of my writing, it will all have been worth it.

I believe we’re seeing the end-time prophesies come to pass right before our own eyes. No, I’m not setting any dates. Only God knows the when of our call home. This book, and Christ in Men…Today are written to men especially, but apply to all who have breath, male and female. It is a call to arms, a wake-up call that our time is short. It is an encouragement to live what we say we believe, with no fear, because “Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (Jn. 4:4).”

Each writing in the book stands on its own.

But you’ll see a common thread spanning the entire book. It’s because of my passion to elevate God’s word to a position of prominence in our lives. A position that demands obedience and promises great rewards. I am saddened when I look at today’s organized church. Many are going through the motions and it’s questionable if they even know or have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I’m sad because the devil has lied and convinced them all that’s required is church attendance, give a little each Sunday, then live the rest of the week with little to no discernible difference from the world.

Christmas is coming and the angel’s announcement in Luke 2:14 of “peace on earth” doesn’t mean some distant day we’ll never see. It is available to everyone, now, if we meet the criterion of the rest of the verse: “among people with whom He is pleased.” You want peace back? Is God pleased with you?

My prayer is that this book finds its target, the soul hungry for more. More than the world offers. More than pop psychology offers. More than fortune-cookie wisdom. Everything written points the reader to the only answer to any and all of the world’s problems: Jesus Christ. “The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy (Psa. 147:11).” Will you become “Fearless in the Face of…” with me?

What Are The Odds?