Everybody has a top-10 list of something, cars, songs, places to live, easy meals. God has a top-10 list. They’re called commandments. You know, thou shall, and thou shall not? Alcoholics Anonymous has a 12-step program to change lives for those battling the demon rum. Guess what? God has a 12-step program too. The steps are rungs on a ladder of promise. Any ladder with twelve rungs must be able to reach a lofty height. This one is no exception. If you can do it, God has promised that you’ll “never be shaken.” (Psalm 15:5)
Is that a good goal?
Ask yourself, “What shakes people in general and me specifically?” I believe fear tops the list, and the list of fears is long. The following are from a list of top 100 fears. For most of us, many of these seem silly, but for those who suffer from one or more, they’re very real. Here is just a sample. Fear of failure (atychiphobia, #15) and its opposite, fear of success (achiemephobia, # 30), fear of public speaking (glossophobia, # 13), fear of spiders (arachnophobia, #1), and it goes on and on.
When commercial buildings are built, the foundations are dug down until either bedrock is hit or it’s deep enough for footings that won’t be shaken. What are you building your life on? If it’s not The Rock—Jesus Christ—then the wood, hay, and stubble you’re using has no ability to protect you from the things that go bump in the night.
Before I list the twelve, it’s important to know that these are not a magic elixir, not a rabbit’s foot or wishbone, and not a “one and done,” something to do once and voila, you’re successful. They are the very Word of God, intended as a way of life in obedience to and faith in the One who sets the rules.
Also know this…
that success in this area is not measured by a life free of trials, free of temptation, or free of tragedy. But, and this is an important but, it does guarantee that you have Someone watching your “six” that has the power, ability, and desire to protect you.
God’s promise (never be shaken, Ps. 15:1-5) is for the one who:
1 Exhibits integrity (v.2)
2 Does justice (v.2)
3 Speaks truth (v.2)
4 Does not slander (v.3)
5 Does not harm his fellow man (v.3)
6 Does not reproach (rebuke or disapprove) his friend (v.3)
7 Views a reprobate as despised (v.4)
8 Honors the people of God (v.4)
9 Holds himself accountable (v.4)
10 Commits and does not change (v.4)
11 Deals fairly without greed (v.5)
12 Cannot be bought or bribed (v.5)
Nobody said it was going to be easy,
but remember that you have a Helper who is with you forever (John14:16), you’re not in this war alone. James Bond always ordered his drink shaken not stirred. But as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, when we are stirred by the Holy Spirit in love and obedience to our Father who always keeps His promises, we’ll never be shaken. In Hebrews 12:26-29, God promises, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven…so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.” What can’t be shaken? God’s Word, His Kingdom, and all who have trusted Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. Have we embraced this truth to the point of confidence that we are part of the “never shaken?” If you’re not sure, visit the page “Steps to Salvation” to find your assurance.