Majoring on Minors

Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret counsel to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). How much warning is enough? One hundred years? Two thousand years? It took Noah over 100 years to build the ark, during which time he practiced righteousness. Then the rain came. It’s been over two millennia since Jesus Christ walked the earth and warned us that the end is near. And yet we go on like everything will always be like it always was. That’s what the people of Noah’s day thought too. Then the rain came.

What will our “rain” look like? What will God use this time? He promised never to flood the earth again. So we know it won’t be the same method of destruction. But speculating about what it will be rather than why it will be is majoring on minors. The “why” should be our focus. God’s countdown clock has begun. It actually began in the Garden of Eden some 6,000 or so years ago when God told Satan, “He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel” (Gen. 3:15). This is a reference to the crucifixion of Jesus in which, though He was wounded (the Bible says, “…for our transgressions” [Isa. 53:5]), totally defeated sin and death.

Six millennia

is a long time to wait for the fulfillment of that promise. But the Bible says, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). Personalize it. The verse says, “patient toward you.” Do you know God’s patience today?

Knowing that a) God cannot lie (Titus 1:2), b) the Bible is true cover to cover (2Tim. 3:16), c) Every prophecy either has been or will be fulfilled to the letter in God’s time, and d) death ushers us into eternity (Heb. 9:27), the “why” according to God is critical to understand.

We’ve already seen that God is patient. He’s also not capricious. He doesn’t wake up some morning and say, “Let’s see how much Bob can handle today.” But He IS holy and cannot tolerate sin. Our sin separated us from Him. If it’s not dealt with according to His plan, we’re separated from Him for all eternity. That is the “why” of His planned destruction. We’re guilty and no excuse will sway the heavenly Judge. The penalty must be paid. Fortunately for us, it has been paid, once for all by Jesus’ death on the cross.

The world order is changing.

Fear is the weapon of choice to control the sheep. Antichrist is not going to suddenly appear from nowhere and create a one-world government, a one-world currency, a financial system in which you must have “a mark” or not be allowed to buy or sell (Rev. 13:17) and demand your worship. No, it will be gradual like boiling a frog by slowly turning up the fire. Sound far-fetched? It’s already started. Just today I heard about easing mask requirements ONLY for those who have had their two vaccinations. You’ll probably get an ID card of some kind verifying your shots. And, since ID cards can be stolen or forged, you’ll probably have a chip inserted like you do for your dog. I’m just sayin’.

How close are we on God’s doomsday clock? I don’t know. Neither does anybody else. It may be 11:59 or it may not. But why take any chances on an event that will take the whole world by surprise. Think back to all the hoopla over Y2K at the turn of the century. All computer-based electronics were supposed to crash because of a 2-digit year instead of a 4-digit year in their programming. Do you remember anything crashing? Fear. It caused many companies to spend millions and millions of dollars they didn’t need to because somebody said “boo.”

God’s warnings

are much more serious because He doesn’t play games with our eternity. It should be an easy choice because there are only two destinations from which to choose. Unfortunately, they’re both labeled Heaven. It’s just that one is a lie. Do you think anybody in their right mind would choose hell if it were labeled correctly? Surprise. Many do. They refuse to bend the knee to God’s sovereignty because of pride. You know, I don’t need no stinkin’ directions. That kind of pride.

The clock is ticking. God has given ample warning that judgment is coming. Don’t be left at the door after it’s been shut like the five foolish virgins (Matt. 7:2,3,12). The only thing you’ll hear from Jesus Himself is, “I do not know you.” Be like the five prudent virgins (showing thought for the future) who brought extra oil for their lamps and went in with the bridegroom (Jesus). Jesus followed up this parable by saying, “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.” Tick, tick, tick…

Our “Steps to Salvation” page will help you understand what time it is…for you.

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