Talk is Cheap

It’s thirty-eight days before one of the most disrespectful elections I can remember, and we are at the height of political rhetoric. Both sides seem to think bashing the opponent is more effective than civil discourse about the issues they would be elected to address. Badgering, bullying, and backbiting seem to be the primary criteria for speech writers. Sad.

The Bible has much to say about what comes out of our mouths. I understand many don’t embrace the Bible as any kind of authority. That too is sad. For where else can we find absolute truth? Pride and lying, kind of a one-two punch, top God’s list of things He hates (Prov. 6:17). And you know the old joke about how do you tell that a politician is lying?

Here is just a sampling of God’s thoughts on our speech:

“When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.” Prov 10:19

“Let another praise you and not your own mouth.” Prov. 27:2

“The mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.” Matt. 12:34

Do these verses offer insight

into either or both of the main candidates? Can we draw valid conclusions about their character? What conclusions can be inferred about those of us who are one-trick ponies, a.k.a. one-issue voters who are not interested in reality, truth, or facts?

There is abundant anger and vitriol in the population because of the perception that their candidate’s opponent is a liar, a cheat, stupid, irrational, and many other descriptors to paint—in their own minds—the picture that their side has virtue, integrity, and truth in their corner. Both are wrong.

For those of us on the sidelines

watching this melodrama unfold, we have the option to fret, wring our hands, and drink Pepto- Bismal. Or we can trust the One who has everything under control and is allowing or orchestrating all things to “work together for good to those who love Him” (Rom. 8:28). God’s plan, from eternity, is playing out in our lives in real time.

Prophecy is being fulfilled as we watch the world in turmoil. Is the end near? Nobody knows except God how or when the current Russia / Ukraine war will end. Nobody knows except God how current weather patterns play into His plan for the end of days. But what I do know, is that I want to be ready when He calls everybody out of the pool…and I am, because I know where I’ll go when I die.

And if you don’t already know

where you’ll spend eternity, you can. Today. The answer is in the same book where we learned what God thinks about our speech.

“He [God] says, ‘At the acceptable time I listened to you, and on the day of salvation I helped you.’ Behold, now is ‘the acceptable time,’ behold, now is ‘the day of salvation.’” II Cor. 6:2

For the rest of the good news about your future, click on and read Steps to Salvation.

Thanks for reading.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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