Some Thoughts for Group Leaders

All group members will not be at the same level of knowledge of Scripture, awareness of personal shortcomings, desire to pursue growth demanded by this discussion guide, or commitment to do the homework in preparation for the next meeting. As such, you must be aware of participation levels, the willingness of some to let others do all the talking, and hesitancy to share in-depth answers.

You’ll need to steer the conversation

and not let any one person monopolize the group. If it continues, take the one doing all the talking aside privately and counsel him that this is a “group” discussion and that his knowledge and experience are welcome but to be sensitive to over-talking. As a group leader, trying to keep the discussion moving while not offending the participants is one of your toughest jobs. As men, we’re likely to be hesitant to open up to guys we don’t know very well. Make sure you’ve done your homework too, so you have some idea of where to lead the discussion. Always be prepared and prayed-up before the meeting.

Remember, there are no wrong answers.

Well, maybe sometimes, but not when the question involves personal introspection. Be very sensitive to encourage everyone to participate. Some will be more open about their weaknesses than others. Develop a sense of trust. What gets shared at “group” stays at group.

Don’t try to rush

through a good discussion on a particular question. The goal is to apply new insights to our walk with Christ. We are here to sharpen each other. On the other hand, be aware of sidebars to the main topic at hand and don’t let them get too far afield. Don’t be afraid to say something like, “That would be a good topic for another time. Right now, let’s focus on the question.”

If you’re one small group,

say 6-8 guys, among several or many small groups, don’t be concerned about what others are doing or what question they’re on. Keep the goal in mind and lead toward it. The competition is not between the men; it’s each man against himself. Maybe a good place to start the first session is to have the guys write down specific goals they hope to achieve during the weeks ahead. These don’t have to be shared with anyone. They’re between each man and God.

Remember your role.

You need not be the “answer man;” you’re the facilitator. But make sure you’re ready with your answers in case nobody has prepared. Think of yourself as an under-shepherd left in charge of the sheep for a couple hours.

A final thought.

Leading men requires humility, compassion, empathy, kindness, and more; all things we’ll be discussing over the weeks to come. Pray for each man in your group that everyone, including you, comes away each week with new insight, new excitement about being in God’s family, and a new commitment to sharing our “map” with those who are lost.