Why Scripture?

The Word (Intro)…

This excerpt, from the book Christ in Men…Today, is not a seminary text of Greek and Hebrew languages. But even so, my firm belief is that God wrote His book—the Bible—in simple enough language that everyday Joes like me can understand it. Yes, there’s poetry in which some of the nuances of the original language escape me; and, yes, there’s prophetic, apocalyptic symbolism in it too that can be hard to visualize and understand. But remember the writers of Ezekiel and Revelation especially were trying to describe something that was millennia in their future, and they had no concept of modern technology as a frame of reference.

The Bible is the Owner’s manual given to teach us how we’re supposed to run and let us know what to do when we go “chugga chugga” instead of whir. You’ll recall from the daily readings that every point I make is based solely on Scripture. Occasionally, I’ll quote someone or something else, but it’s only to flesh out the narrative. It’s been said that the Bible is God’s letter to his family, and when non-Christians complain about it being a difficult, hard-to-understand book, that’s what they get for reading other people’s mail. As believers, we have the author—the Holy Spirit—living in us to help us grasp His truth. He wants us to know it, to live it, to love it, and to share it.

Let’s agree on one thing. The Bible is true, cover to cover. If that isn’t so, there’s no reason to read any of it. There may be hard parts we don’t particularly want to hear, but those are probably the areas we need to spend more time in. Many modern preachers have a propensity to teach only about God’s love, patience, and mercy, you know, all the good stuff. The truth is that God is all those things. But He is also just, wrathful, vengeful, and demanding.

As the second of “the Final Four” chapters (in Christ in Men…Today), I have tried to highlight a handful of the reasons we can have confidence in God’s Word. It is, in essence, His character rolled into one document so that we can know Him and Jesus Christ, who made this all possible. It is a 66-book promise that I hope you love, live by, and personalize. It was, after all, written for you.



The Word is…Inerrant and Infallible


The Word is…Sufficient


The Word is…Complete


The Word is…Effective


The Word is…Our Link to know God


The Word is…Everlasting


The Word is…Relevant for today


Sunday – The Word of God is…Inerrant and Infallible.

“The sum of Your word is truth, and every one of Your righteous ordinances is everlasting.” Ps. 119:160 [emphasis added]

In last week’s introduction, we noted that God cannot lie. There are two means God uses to communicate with us: speaking and writing. God’s written Word is just as veracious as His spoken Word. The test of a true prophet of God is 100% accuracy. When we say the Bible is inerrant and infallible, it means all historical events reported, all future events predicted, and all promises are “Rock” solid. They did happen or will happen. It’s rare that God speaks audibly to men now since the Bible was completed. So we have to “hear” God speak to us in His Word.

Critics of the Bible try to debunk things that point to God’s omnipotence (all- powerful) or omniscience (all-knowing), things like six literal days of creation, a world- wide flood, and miracles. When they refer to an earth that is billions of years old, they do so because a) they’re ignorant of the interaction and dependency of various parts of the creation, and b) they don’t want the accountability of a Creator. If there really is a God who did all this, then He has the absolute right to write the rules governing His creation. Science has proof of “some worldwide cataclysmic event” because of the various earth strata which contain evidence of such. Ask yourself, “How else did seashells get distributed to the tops of mountains?”

Other critics say the Bible is out of date, that what was once applicable no longer is. But the Bible says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (1216)  Technology has certainly changed society and made life easier, albeit not always better. Has man’s heart gotten better? The Bible says in God’s own words of the wickedness of man, “…every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (1217) And that is only six chapters into Genesis. We’ve had half a dozen millennia since then. No. Man’s heart has not gotten better. Man needs Jesus.

Because of the perfect and precise fulfillment of prophecy that has already occurred, we have confidence that those that still await fulfillment will, in God’s timing, also be precisely fulfilled. Reread Week 49 – Thursday for an encouraging prophetic promise about Christ’s return for His church. The Bible is NEVER wrong. As such, we stake our eternal future on the gospel message found there. Jesus died for my sin and yours. Don’t let that fact fall on deaf ears. It’s crunch time. If you already know Jesus, someone you know doesn’t. Share the everlasting truth with them.

 Father, You gave us the only road map we need to get to Heaven—Your Word. Help us treasure it above all earthly possessions as the only thing we can bring with us when You call us home. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

1216 Heb. 13:8

1217 Gen. 6:5

Monday – The Word of God is…Sufficient.

 “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” II Tim. 3:16

Libraries are great storehouses of knowledge of all kinds of stuff. The Library of Congress has over 16 million books. Local libraries, a lot fewer. The Bible incorporates everything God knew we would need to know Him, teach our children, correct false doctrine, and live righteous lives. Not one of the 16 million (except their copies of the Bible itself) can claim that, even in the area of child-rearing.

I’m so glad I raised my kids in a time before electronic toys and communication became ubiquitous. Have you ever read some of the drivel put out by so-called experts? Don’t spank, they say. The Bible says, “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother.” (1218) You can sure see the ones today who had poor parenting. It’s discouraging that there are so many of them.

The Bible is filled with history, strategy for war, poetry, love stories, drama, wisdom, scoundrels, and of course, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and best of all, hope. And none of it is fiction. All true, front to back.

Today’s verse has a phrase that caught my attention some time ago. It frequently appears in Scripture: so that. God doesn’t do anything in a vacuum. Everything has a purpose. Look at today’s purpose: we are to be equipped for every good work…adequately. Kinda takes away all the excuses, doesn’t it? Don’t feel qualified? Your time in the Bible is probably behind schedule. Let’s look at the first part of the verse, “All Scripture is inspired by God.” What does that mean?

It means the Holy Spirit gave the 40 writers, spread over 1,500 years, the exact thoughts to put to paper. Since man’s heart hasn’t changed since creation, Scripture is just as fresh, just as powerful to change lives today as when it was written.

Sin is still sin. The only way to forgiveness is still through faith in Jesus Christ’s atonement. Nothing else satisfies the holy requirement of God that sin demands death. God knew we couldn’t pay the price ourselves. That’s why the free gift of God (salvation through faith in Christ), though not free to Him, is such an indescribable gift. How could anybody who has the humility to admit that they are a sinner and deserve death, not understand the price paid and the value imputed to them totally free of charge. No matter how many good works we amass, they’re as filthy rags before God. (1219)

And how do we know all this? It’s in the Bible.


God, help me realize that looking anywhere beside Your Word will not lead me to the truth I need to order my life according to Your plan. Thank You for opening my eyes to see what really matters. In Christ, Amen.

1218 Prov. 29:15

1219 Isa. 64:6


Tuesday – The Word of God is…Complete.

“You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” Deut. 4:2

There are religious sects, most notably the Mormon church, that publish a “companion” book (The Book of Mormon) that, in their church, is considered inspired like the Bible. It’s not. But to suffice for our point, God is as jealous for His Word as He is for His name.

In addition to today’s verse, Revelation has a dire warning, “I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life…” (1220)

To me, “not add…nor take away” is about as plain an instruction as you can get. And why would you want to anyway? We learned yesterday that the Bible is sufficient. But let’s get practical. Psalm 19 has six specific things that the Bible is and what each does. It also gives a “value” statement and promise:

  1. The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul
  2. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple
  3. The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart
  4. The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes
  5. The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever
  6. The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether

Value: “They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.”

Promise: “Moreover, by them, Your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward. (Psalm 19:7-11)

These sure sound like qualities we can count on—stake our lives and future on—without hesitation. But we have to go one step further. In Psalm 119, the psalmist asks a rhetoric question and then answers it: “v. 9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. v. 11 Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.” Our challenge today: Do we treasure God’s Word? Do we store it in our hearts? A book this valuable shouldn’t just sit on the shelf. Dig in. There’s plenty for everyone.

Lord, You designed Your Word to be all that I need to know You, Your will while I’m on earth, and Your plan for my future. May it be to me more desirable than gold, my all-in- one, go-to resource for living in a sin-cursed world. Thank You. Amen.

1220 Rev. 22:18, 19


Wednesday – The Word of God is…Effective.

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb. 4:12 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Isa. 55:11

What comes to mind when you think of the word “effective?” Medicine? Cramming for a test? Cleaning products? Isn’t the only thing that matters, with anything you buy, does it work? In advertising, it’s strictly a numbers game. A mail campaign is considered successful with a 1% to 2% response rate. Above that is a home run.

Remember the old “Got Milk” campaign? It ran for nearly 20 years and gained great popularity, so much so that many copycats tried to adapt it to their product. But it didn’t stop the decline of per capita milk consumption. A case study in ineffectiveness. God says His Word works. It judges our innermost thoughts and motives. It always succeeds for the purpose He sent it. This should be the key takeaway for those involved in spreading the gospel. Paul was a great model of this. He told the Corinthian church, “I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” (1221) No emotional pitches. No sales gimmicks. Like Sgt. Friday in Dragnet used to say, “Just the facts.” We went over the facts of the gospel in Week 49, Thursday. It would be a good thing to memorize and have in your arsenal.

What is the effectiveness of the Word? It introduces us to God. It paints, with detailed strokes, a picture of God’s love, mercy, faithfulness, and sacrifice. It identifies sin and leads men to repent. It provides hope for our future. And much more.

The good news for us is that we can do what we can to be effective. We can take public speaking classes, memorize different outlines for presenting the gospel, and go door-knocking to share. But we’re not accountable for results. Spoiler alert: It’s the Word that has the power, not us. If we’re faithful to go, God will cause the increase. (1222) Even Moses tried to bargain with God when God wanted to send him to Pharaoh. He said, “I have never been eloquent…I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” (1223) Read the story in Exodus 3 and 4. Moses went. You know the rest. Don’t be concerned if you’re not a polished orator. Let the Word out, and it will do its job.


Father, Your Word is powerful. Grant me boldness to speak it to those who need to know You and then get out of the way and let it work. May my pride not hinder Your Spirit’s activity in other’s lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1221 I Cor. 2:2

1222 I Cor. 3:6

1223 Exo.4:10

Thursday – The Word of God is…Our Link to Know God.

“Establish Your word to Your servant as that which produces reverence for You.” Ps. 119:38

What kind of a father would God be if He just left us to fend for ourselves? We hear of fathers abandoning their children all the time. Life gets tough. The kids are out of control. The pasture looks greener elsewhere. It’s a sad consequence of sin. But thankfully someday, hopefully soon, that will all be behind us. Until then, our Father has promised to take care of us and provide for us. There are conditions.

In my house, we have house rules. God has house rules too. There are ten of them and most start with “thou shall not.” And like at my house, if you obey the rules, things go better. Same with God. He is not capricious or arbitrary. He treats all His kids the same, and He expects the same obedience from all. Little brother doesn’t get away with more (sin) than big sis.

Many of us didn’t have the best, or in many cases, any relationship with our earthly father. No role models. God knew that and made it possible for us to know Him. Like with any relationship, it takes time and commitment. The key is in today’s verse. We’ve got to be in the Word to really know God.

God wants a relationship with us. That’s why He created us in the first place, so we could experience His glory in eternity. Not because He’s an egomaniac and wants little robots worshipping Him, but because He wants to share it with us. That’s why He gave us the Bible, so we could know Him, respond to His love and mercy, and pass it on.

Many of you are fathers. Many had good fathers. Isn’t it true that we would do anything for our kids? Why? Because we want them to think highly of us? No. Because we love them. We were created in God’s image—with a father’s love for our kids.

Some of you may say, “Yeah, but Jesus came and said, ‘he who has seen me has seen the Father.’” (1224) That’s true. He said that. But what is one of Jesus’ names? Remember this verse, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory.” (1225) So we have the speaking Word and the written word.. Maybe because some of us are visual learners, and some have to read and ponder. Isn’t God amazing?

No matter what kind of learner you are, you can know God. If you don’t know Him and want to, find a good Bible-believing church in your area, and talk to the Pastor.


Father, what a wonderful, personal name: Father. Thank You for choosing me to be part of Your forever family. Thanks too for Your Word, which shows me Your heart, Your patience, love, mercy, and so much more. May I show my gratitude by time in it to know You better. In Christ, Amen.


1224 Jn. 14:9

1225 Jn. 1:1, 14


Friday – The Word of God is…Everlasting.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” Mark 13:31

On my dining room table, I have an 1884 Bible. The leather is cracked in several places and coming off the spine. Some of the extra pages in the front have water damage. But all from Genesis through Revelation is still in good shape. We rarely open it because it may cause more damage. Isn’t it interesting how much value is placed on relics, antiquities, and old cars? I wish I still had my ’58 Impala and ’68 427 Vette. But just a memory.

It’s hard for us to picture anything lasting forever. That’s because of the curse of sin this world is under and the law of entropy (the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder). Not so, God’s Word. It will not pass away…or change. Can you name one other thing that can claim that?

Jesus is “the Word made flesh,” eternal—without beginning, without end. Therefore, the Word is everlasting. With only time and this world as comparisons, how do we comprehend love, joy, peace that never ends?

Not only is God’s Word everlasting, it’s also the only pure source of truth on the planet. The Word said, “I am the way and the truth…,” (1226) not a way or a truth. Pretty bold claim unless you’re God. That’s a critical criterion—literally life and death—for something we’re committing our eternity to. When you compare other religions to the iron-clad, rock- solid Word of God, you find many things that just don’t measure up. They all smack of man’s (sinful) desires, e.g., 70 virgins, killing infidels, heaven through good works. When you know God’s Word, it’s easy to pick out the error. If you don’t know the Word, there’s no telling what wrong path you may be on.

But as long as you have breath, it’s not too late to come to the truth. I believe the fact that you’re reading this is God’s divine appointment for you. The thing about truth is it never changes. Society changes. Morals change. But sin is still sin, and the truth about it is still the truth. Sin causes death, (1227) spiritual for sure and sometimes physical. Don’t wait another day; the end is getting closer when it will be too late. “…it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.” (1228) If you don’t know Jesus and want to, in the back of this book is a step-by-step plan to meet Him and trust Him for forgiveness and salvation.

If you do know Jesus, praise God. Thank Him your eternity is secure. (1229) You want to be a wise man? “He who is wise wins souls.” (1230) Get busy.


Lord, thank You; your Word anchors my soul, my future. Amen.

1226 Jn. 14:6

1227 Rom. 6:23

1228 Heb. 9:27

1229 Jn. 10:29

1230 Prov. 11:30

Saturday – The Word of God is…Relevant for Today.

“…while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” II Cor. 4:18

Can we agree that we are all eternal beings? One place or the other, we will live forever. How long is that? Can we say in general, man lives 70 or 80 years? Is that even a drop in the ocean compared to eternity? With that in mind, ponder this from C.T. Studd: Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last. (1231)

Today’s verse wraps this week in a bow of reality and relevance. What we see will be burned up; (1232) what we can’t see (yet) is what’s real. Paul could say this with confidence, having been to the third heaven. (1233) Likewise, can you even imagine what must have gone through Elisha’s mind when, while he and Elijah were “going along and talking…a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them and Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. (1234) Not something you see every day.

The reason God’s Word is relevant today is simple; man’s heart hasn’t changed since the garden, except maybe to get worse. Also, the devil has strategies to tempt us that continue to work. Why should he change them? Have you ever heard the phrase, “some things never change?” It’s usually said in a derogatory way about someone who has a bad attitude. It would be nice if morals never changed. But because they’re written in the hearts of sinful man, and society is on a slippery slope of allowing more and more decadence, they are amended to accommodate the sinful behavior.

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him about the end of the age, He foresaw the lawlessness we see today in rioting and looting and said because of it, most people’s love will grow cold. (1235) Look around. We have never seen such “in your face” evil with many in charge doing nothing about it.

Our response should be twofold. First, we should get on our knees and thank God for the confidence that His Word gives us regarding our future and that He is still in control. Second, because the time is short and many still need the gospel message, it should be a priority for us, especially for those in our families that still haven’t humbled themselves and come to Jesus. What are we doing today that will last and be seen beyond the veil?


Father, thank You that neither You nor Your Word changes. And because sin is still sin, Your Word is as timely a solution for sin today as when You wrote it. May I treasure it in my heart because it’s true. In Christ, Amen

1231 Charles Thomas Studd 12/2/1860 – 7/16/1931

1232 II Pet. 3:10

1233 II Cor. 12:2

1234 II Kings 2:11

1235 Matt. 24:12