The Age of Reason…Is Dead

“’Come now and let us reason together’ says the Lord, ‘though your sins are as scarlet they will be as white as snow’” (Isa.1:18). Pride and prejudice are more than a book title by Jane Austen. They are roadblocks to living in harmony with our neighbors. Society has become so polarized by political affiliation and indoctrination that common sense and reason have left the building. Could that be the reason we see nearly only party line votes in Congress?

King Solomon said, “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1). Throughout history, God has used those in positions of authority to carry out His purposes. Biblical examples abound where we also get the “back story,” God’s reasoning behind His actions (e.g. Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, etc.). Though we can’t see it, God uses despots as well as godly leaders as means to His ends.

No matter how crazy

our current politics seems, nothing sneaks up on God or thwarts His plans. In fact it seems that the crazier and more unreasoned something is, you can be sure God is using the so-called “wisdom” of man to bring about His desired outcome. I won’t turn this into a political rant, though there are certainly enough examples to make it an easy exercise. But the focus is on our staying the course regardless of society’s sinfulness. Remember, we’re on the winning team. Read the end of His-story.

Could this also be the reason many reject God’s FREE offer of a restored relationship with Him? They’ve been blinded by Satan, the ruler of this world and his wisdom; it is demonic, evil, filled with lies. When we think highly of ourselves, we’ve bought his lies hook, line, and sinker. We’re just waiting to be reeled in by the captain of the losing team.

Think about this.

Can you name one society anywhere or anytime on earth that went from a state of debauchery where lying was normal, aberrant sex was normal, and disregard for other people’s person or property was normal, that ever went back to a “civilized” existence? Me neither. So what’s my point? Only that every time in Biblical history when things got to this stage, God’s judgment wasn’t far behind. Think worldwide flood and Noah. Think Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by fire and brimstone (Luke 17:29).

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to assess the data that bombards us daily, to see the deteriorating condition of the country and world we live in, and conclude something is VERY wrong. But therein is the problem. A brilliant mind isn’t required. Honesty, truth, and standards, definitely are. Unfortunately, none of these seems in abundant supply, . When God created the earth and everything in it, He created “them” male and female (Gen. 1:27). It is so obvious that we even refer to inanimate objects that fit together as being the male or female connector.

It’s ironic

that all the video games played are written in languages that depend solely on logic and reason. If the player does this, then that happens. But these are foreign concepts to many who play. One of the first statements in a last will and testament goes something like this, “being of sound mind…” But isn’t that what many estate squabbles between heirs are about? Grandpa can’t leave it to his dog, that’s nuts. Where has logic and reason gone? It’s sad to consider all those on the “broad” way with the “wide” gate leading to destruction (Matt. 7:13) who have rejected God’s patient and gracious warnings.

The root of all problems in society, whether racism, crime against persons and property, greed, or you name it, can be traced back to rejection of God and His standards. The Bible has the answer for all man’s problems, but apart from  a spiritual revival, nothing will change. It will only get worse. This is a wakeup call to all who name Christ as their Savior. Our enemy is not the Democrat or Republican party. It’s not Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer. Our enemy is not even flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12). So our weapons are not guns and swords or tanks and missiles. Our weapons are the Word of God and prayer. Those who display the philosophies, attitudes, and political differences we despise need our prayer for their salvation. This world is as good as it will be for them. Their eternity is beyond bleak. We can’t say we love God whom we have not seen if we hate our neighbor whom we have seen (1 John 4:20). Think about it.

Our “Steps to Salvation” page will help you guide someone through God’s invitation to reason with Him.

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