How Wide is the Narrow Way?

Scripture tells us there are two ways with two gates, the wide way which many are on and the narrow way which few are on. (Matt. 7:13,14) Are there few because the way is narrow and more won’t fit? No. It’s narrow because to walk it, one must come empty-handed, and few are willing to give up everything. There are crowds on the wide way because they haven’t had to give up anything to be on it. Is that important? Don’t they both lead to the same place? One would think so by the false labeling on the wide way. The narrow way is labeled “Heaven—only believers in Jesus Christ allowed.” The wide way is labeled heaven too, but there are no restrictions, i.e. all types of religious folks are welcome.

There’s only one problem—and it’s a BIG one. The wide way DOESN’T lead to heaven. Ask yourself, “How can I trust a map made by the ‘father of lies,’ Satan? (John 8:44). Do you think anyone would be on the wide way if they knew the truth that it leads to hell (destruction)? (Matt. 7:13). Sadly, the answer is ‘yes they would’ and yes, they are. How is that possible?

We live in a visible world.

There’s also an invisible world filled with an entire spirit population. Some are angels under orders from God to be messengers to and protect His church. Then there’s the demonic side who are under the devil’s control and play havoc with the world. Fortunately for believers, God has limited the devil’s ability to tempt and mess with us (1 Cor. 10:13), though he tries his hardest. The Bible says, “The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” (John 10:10). So don’t be surprised when fiery trials blindside you. The demons have their marching orders. If you haven’t read it, The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is must-read.

There are many reasons people reject the gospel message that God loves me, my sin separated me from Him, Jesus paid the debt my sin created with His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. Primarily, the rejection is rooted in pride and selfishness. We don’t want accountability to a God whose standard is righteousness. We want what we want, and it becomes a (little g) god to us. We’ve all heard stories—maybe even been taken in by one—of con men who are smooth talkers and can make lies sound like truth. Satan has had millennia to perfect his craft. We succumb because the promise of easy wealth or increased popularity or (fill in the blank) appeals to our greed and self-centeredness.

So, what do we really have to give up that “they” get to keep?

Here’s the first ten from a long alphabetical list: anger, bitterness, clamor, deceit, envy, friendship with the world, greed, hypocrisy, idols, jealousy, and many, many more. Doesn’t really sound so bad, does it? What would the world be like if everybody rid themselves of these “character” qualities? The world would be like heaven where the Bible says in heaven there will be no tears, no death, no mourning, no crying, no pain (Rev. 4:21). But because man holds firmly to these qualities, earth can never become heaven. That alone should be motivation to find and stay on the narrow way…but it isn’t. Man laughs and mocks God’s plan for redemption. “I don’t need no stinkin’ redemption,” he says. But God will have the final laugh (Ps. 2).

To answer our opening question about the width of the narrow way, it’s wide enough. Wide enough for anyone who wants to humble themselves and come according to God’s terms. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). Jesus said, “…the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out” (John 6:37). Sounds pretty all-inclusive to me.

If you want to know more about God’s plan for YOUR salvation, visit our “Steps to Salvation” page. Thanks for reading.

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