You in the Word—the Word in You

We hear a lot about truth today. There’s your truth, my truth, “truth” about global warming, Dr. Fauci’s truth, which seems dependent on which way the wind blows. How can there be so many different truths? The answer is easy. They’re not all true. Period. Spoiler alert: people lie.

But there is one truth that is immutable, never changes, has never been proven wrong, and on which we can base our daily lives as well as our eternity. Wow. You’d think people would rush to embrace that kind of truth. You’d think. But they don’t. Why? Lots of reasons. The truth conflicts with our agenda. The truth requires change, sometimes drastic. The truth reveals our selfishness. The truth demands accountability. The truth exposes our corrupt nature. And there are many more.

It’s hard to understand,

when so many seek answers, so many are discouraged by society’s shallow solutions, and government runs amok, why more folks don’t turn to the one source of truth: God’s Word. That’s an easy one too. Those who don’t know Jesus can’t understand it because they are “natural” men (1 Cor. 2:14).

But what about those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ? Many believe they have gotten their “ticket to heaven” punched but they keep one foot in the world. The shiny things are just too appealing, and they haven’t taken up their cross daily to become a true disciple of His (Luke 9:23). It’s sad to know that Jesus’ unfathomable love isn’t enough to rivet our focus on Him as an act of gratitude. We assume. We expect. We take for granted. There’s a risk here for those in this category.

Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Most of us wouldn’t consider ourselves idol worshippers. But when shiny objects usurp our focus, our time and energy, they have become to us, gods. And what does the first commandment say, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exo. 20:3). There’s a reason this is first. If we don’t get this one right, the other nine don’t really matter. We’re already toast.

Are you having trouble in your family?

Maybe this is the reason. Listen to what God says, “I am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me…” (Exo. 20:5). Hate is a strong word. But it shows us God’s heart and how He views those of us who haven’t put Him first.

Maybe some self-evaluation is in order. Where are you on your spiritual journey? Everybody’s on one whether we think so or not. We are spiritual beings who will live forever. Think about this. Do we clam up when the discussion turns from the weather, sports, or politics to things of God? Try this the next time you’re in a family discussion. After allowing, say, a political rant for some time, ask, “What does God say about that?”. If you hear crickets, you know you’ve hit a sore spot.

For those of us

who name Christ as Savior and friend, everybody is watching to see if we really believe and live what we say. The hypocrisy that is so rampant in politics today also dwells in you and me. Do we recognize it? Be sure that others do. What’s the solution? First, in humility, we need to ask forgiveness from God and our family for not modeling the ways of God on a more consistent basis. Next, commit to eliminating anything that has replaced God as numero uno in our lives. Then develop the habit of allowing God’s word to penetrate and permeate our minds and hearts on a daily basis. Allow and expect the Holy Spirit to change you. He will.

If, as part of your self-evaluation, you’re not sure where you stand with God, maybe a refresher down the path to salvation would be in order. You can find it on our “Steps to Salvation” page on this website. If you are sure, praise God. What is your plan to get and keep both feet out of the world? Remember, Jesus said, “daily.” Thanks for stopping by.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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