Is it still ‘Today’?

You can’t sleep. You’re anxious for tomorrow. Are you a little child waiting for Christmas morning? Or are you an adult living in 2020? They’re both anticipating the unknown. So what makes the difference? One has hope, the other fear and pessimism. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re in the latter category, you can have hope […]

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Justice–Be careful what you wish for

Where does justice come from? Mom and dad? Your boss? The police? Courts? Congress? Maybe…a long time ago when society operated with a strong moral compass and had a sense of right and wrong: a higher standard most people agreed to and our country was founded upon. Today? Not so much. We watch or read the news and see example […]

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So I’m reading this morning about Paul and his defense of his consistency, of being the same person whether present or absent. False apostles had been trying to stir up the Corinthians against him by saying, “‘His letters are weighty and strong, but his personal presence is unimpressive and his speech contemptible.” (2 Cor. 10:10) And it got me thinking about […]

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Anniversary of a Homegoing

Sixteen years ago today, God blew the whistle for my 27-year old son Dan to get out of the pool. My wife and I were awakened by a 2:00 A.M. phone call with the news that Dan was gone. I use that word not because I’m afraid to say “dead” but because Dan isn’t. He’s in heaven with Jesus—very much […]

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Good News Monday

While reading in Romans this morning, I came to chapter 8. I don’t know how many times I’ve read this section, but instead of just cruising by (sometimes that happens with familiarity), verse 1 really jumped off the page at me. “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The thought struck me that with […]

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Is There Really a God?

  Living in Colorado, I am exposed to the beauty and majesty of God’s creation daily. Whether I look at the sunrise or sunset, or the incredible 14ers (for you non-Coloradans, those are mountains that exceed 14,000 feet), one of which I see from my deck, or watch a lightning storm spread from mountain to plain, I’m reminded of Psalm […]

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