Doers Do

Doers Do “Is there no end to windy words?” (Spoken by Job to his “miserable comforters” after they had sat silent for seven days, then laid into him with all kinds of erroneous charges as to the reason he was suffering [Job 16: 2,3]). It reminds me of our current political circus. Which is the point of today’s thoughts. As […]

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Humility or Hypocrisy

Humility or Hypocrisy “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man?” (Prov. 20:6). In today’s world, one doesn’t have to look very hard or far to find this statement from King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived (I Kings 4:30, 31), true. Doesn’t it push your buttons when our elected officials say or […]

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WIIFM* Everywhere I look, there are Help Wanted signs. It seems that anyone who wants to work could find a job. It may be temporary until something you really want is available, but by not working, you’re skills are getting rusty, technology is passing you by, and aside from your leaky bank account shrinking, you’re placing yourself in the way […]

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Christ in the Crisis

Christ in the Crisis What is a crisis? Where do they come from? Why me? Crises come in all shapes and sizes, from a broken nail to the sudden death of a loved one. From the inane to heart-attack serious. Each person has their own definition of what constitutes a crisis for them. And we can’t judge their rationale, their […]

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Victim or Victor

Victim or Victor The year is gone. The time has come to put it in the rearview and move on. As we look ahead to 2023, we have a choice to make. We can accept the mantle of victim and wallow in self-pity and blame if we’ve experienced a not-what-we-hoped-for year. Or we can thumb our collective noses at the […]

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Scripture Sandwich

Scripture Sandwich I’m always glad when my daily Bible reading brings me to Romans 8. I wrote about it two years ago in Good News Monday. I’ve probably been through it three or four times since. Today I had a new thought while reading. Isn’t it great that God’s word never gets stale? You’ve heard of “feeding on the word” […]

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