(Idea from a message by Pastor Matt Niemier, Villas Grace, Ft. Myers, FL)

Countdown Clock

The world of marketing and advertising creates a false sense of urgency with phrases like: “Only 14 left at this price,” “Sale ends at midnight,” “Be the envy of your neighborhood” and anything else they can concoct around the themes of limited time, limited number, limited pricing, to get you to buy something you don’t need, with money you don’t have, to impress people you don’t even know or care about.

In the real world,

there are deadlines you need to meet or there is some kind of penalty; late fees, disqualification, miss the flight, etc. Usually, you can live with the penalty. A little more money. A delay to your trip. And so on. Irritating? Yes. Life and death? Not usually.

But there is an offer with a deadline you for sure do not want to miss. The Bible tells us to “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him (for salvation) while He is near” (Isa. 55:6). I know many of you reading this know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. But I also know there are those who don’t give a rip about Jesus, or, worse yet, think they’re saved but aren’t. This warning is for the second group.

For over 2,000 years

since Jesus walked the earth, we have been reminded that He is coming back to earth. Isaiah is implying that there will come a time when men will look for Him and not find Him. When will that be? Nobody knows, but we have signs that indicate the time could be close. What’s the penalty for missing this deadline? Eternity separated from God in a place nobody in their right mind would want to be: hell, a place that the Bible calls the Lake of Fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

There are two reasons this may happen. First, you’ll die before you decide to let Jesus control your life. Second, Jesus will return to take His people (the church) home to heaven. Before either of those happen, while you still have breath, it’s not too late. Once either happens, it’s over. The Bible says, “…it is appointed for men to die once, and after this comes judgment” (Heb.9:27).

Heaven is a place where no sin exists.

There will be no liars, cheats, bullies, or Satan to disturb the perfect peace and harmony created by God for His children to enjoy…forever. It will be like the beauty of Hawaii, the majesty of the Rocky Mountains (or the Alps), the serenity of Yosemite after an early Spring snow…forever. We earthlings can’t even imagine all the good things that God has planned for us. I urge you to read the Steps To Salvation elsewhere in this book.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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