How Does Your Garden Grow

How Does Your Garden Grow? I have to tell you neither of my thumbs is green. But this year my wife talked me into helping her plant tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers, two out of the three I don’t even eat. I’m sure I’ll be rewarded in heaven. Of course the tomatoes did fine. But as soon as the carrots began […]

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Who Do You Look Like

Who Do You Look Like? Remember the fun-house mirrors in amusement parks of days gone by? We could look taller, fatter, have different proportions. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Americans spent over $16.5 billion in 2018 to change the way they looked. With over 8,000 member surgeons, that’s somewhere around $2 million for each. I’m in the […]

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Stinky Sponges

Stinky Sponges What do sponges do? They soak up whatever they come in contact with. They are used to clean up messes, to wipe away dirt and grime. If not rinsed and squeezed out, they become stinky. And if not used frequently, they become hard and unusable for their intended purpose. My wife will wet one and nuke it to […]

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No Means No

No Means No Many of us have trained our kids to wait for the 3rd or 4th “no” before they even act like we’ve spoken. When my kids were little, we were taught and practiced the concept of “first time obedience,” say it once and if they don’t obey—boom (whatever the appropriate discipline). I got tired of threatening. And this […]

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No God No Heaven No Hurry

No God No Heaven No Hurry All three are lies from the pit. One has greater success than the others. The devil can’t get most people to outright believe there is no God or no heaven. But “no hurry,” that’s a winner. “There’s always tomorrow,” he says. And like the people who mocked Peter’s message about Christ’s return, (“Where’s the promise […]

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Your Choice

Your Choice Disobedience is to judgment as Obedience is to blessing. In Joshua’s final message to Israel, he challenged them with these words, “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…” (Josh. 24:15). All of life is choices. Conscious or not, we make hundreds of them every day. Some […]

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