You Be The Judge

Is “Santa” an anagram for “Satan?” Is it just a typo or something far more diabolical? We’re in a courtroom and the evidence is about to be presented. As in all jury instructions, we are to keep an open mind until we have seen the evidence. In our courtroom, there is one difference. There is no defense, only a presentation […]

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Biblical Illiteracy

Biblical Illiteracy—a Self-Inflicted Wound * “I can’t memorize Scripture, nothing seems to stick.” “I don’t have the time and I don’t understand a lot of it.” I’m sure you’ve heard these excuses and more in discussions with those who give them, thus exposing their lack of understanding of the importance of treasuring God’s Word in our hearts, “that we may […]

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Looking for work

Looking for Work A few good men. It seems everybody is looking for a few good men. The Marine Corps, any employer who has openings, any group of would-be brides, the God of heaven. I’m sure, if you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you’ve asked yourself, “What is God’s will for me?” Today, I’m going to answer […]

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Choose Your Garden

Choose Your Garden The Bible mentions several gardens. There’s the Garden of Eden, created perfect, filled with good things albeit not without temptations. Even though man sinned and was booted out and the garden remains unoccupied, the world still compares a place with ideal conditions to the Garden of Eden. I’ve been to some of those places, e.g. Hawaii, the […]

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My Dad Is

My Dad Is… “and the glory of sons is their fathers.” (Prov. 17:6). I remember growing up sometimes included brag sessions of guys’ dads. Some were rich. Some had cool jobs. Some, frankly, were bums. Mine was somewhere in the middle. I never lacked a roof, a meal, or clothes. There was even money for piano lessons…until I decided at […]

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Sunday Was Easter

Sunday Was Easter I am still basking in the glow of the Resurrection celebration. We had two dozen people at my house, eight of them college students who came home from college with my granddaughter. We ate, played outdoor games, had good discussions about living the Christian life. Yesterday, I left the house at 3:15 AM to take them to […]

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