Justice–Be careful what you wish for

Where does justice come from?

Mom and dad? Your boss? The police? Courts? Congress? Maybe…a long time ago when society operated with a strong moral compass and had a sense of right and wrong: a higher standard most people agreed to and our country was founded upon. Today? Not so much.

We watch or read the news and see example after example where “justice”—at least our definition of it—goes unrequited. “Getting away with murder” is no longer a catch-all category for bad behavior; it literally means what it says. We feel cheated when we see the bad guys go free. Why?

God has placed within the heart of man an ability to discern right from wrong. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away, but it does deaden it. Over time, as we continued to accept lower standards, the envelope of acceptable behavior got stretched to the breaking point. We are now there. Look around at the disregard for law, the disrespect of authority, and the lack of accountability both intrinsic and enforced.

So what’s ahead?

Justice, perfect and swift, is on the horizon. But it may not be what you expect or even want…unless you know Jesus Christ as your Savior. Because of man’s depravity apart from knowing and living for Jesus, it is pure folly to try and fix the world’s system. But God’s justice will be perfect. His standard is holiness, black and white, we either meet it or we don’t. Spoiler alert: we don’t.

We have had millennia to learn to be “good enough.” The Bible tells us how that’s working out, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; there is no one who does good…not even one.” (Psalm 14:1,3) When judgment comes (read Revelation 5-19), it will be swift (7-year tribulation), terrible, and no one will escape.

The countdown clock is ticking.

Jesus upbraided the Pharisees and Sadducees for their blindness, “Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times.?” (Matt. 16:3) That message is germane for us today. The signs that were foretold over 2,000 years ago are being fulfilled in our present day. If you’re reading this, it’s not too late.

Jesus Christ is your ONLY solution and hope to escape the justice that is coming. Don’t stop here. There is another side to this story. God IS righteous and WILL judge. But He does it because HE LOVES YOU. CLICK HERE to see the rest of the story. I’ll end with one of my favorite verses: “The Lord is my portion, says my soul. Therefore I have hope in Him.” (Lamentations 3:24)

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