My Rights

You can’t turn on the news or pick up a newspaper without somebody whining about their rights. In my opinion, many are trying to get something they didn’t earn and don’t deserve. The Bible is clear about people like this: “…if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” (2 Thess.3:10). I’m not denying that life is unfair in many respects. But why should I blame you for bad choices I make and vice versa? Choices have consequences…good or bad. And in a perfect world, we’d all accept that premise. But the last perfect world was God’s Garden before Adam and Eve fell for the Big Lie.

In the United States,

we are a nation ruled by laws. We do have rights. You know the list: assembly, speech, carry arms, etc. The problem isn’t the absence of rights, but their interpretation and application. When we each exercise our rights and they conflict, where do we draw the line? Greed and selfishness are ugly motivators.

We do have rights that cannot be taken away or abridged by political whim. Topping the list is the right to be obedient. The Prophet Samuel said, “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice (1 Sam.15:22). This is likely a departure from what you were expecting, but think about it. If we were obedient to God’s laws—which supersede manmade laws—there would be no stealing, coveting, adultery, and seven more that cover everything from A to Z. There would be peace in our hearts and in the world. It’s not a dream, it’s a promise from our Father. Certainly not here on earth yet but coming soon.

The other rights

can be classified as subpoints under the main ten. For example, the right to put others first, the right to forgive others, the right to serve others, and many, many more. You might think I live in Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. I don’t and I’m not trying to portray myself as having a perfect score in this area. But you and I have a conscience that innately sounds the alarm when we violate God’s laws. That is, if we haven’t disregarded it so often that it sounds more like a mourning dove than a 5-alarm fire engine.

What would that look like if everybody operated under these parameters? It would be like a worldwide Garden of Eden…perfect. I’m trying to paint a picture of the coming appearance of Jesus Christ’s millennial kingdom here on earth where all these things will be the norm not the exception. You don’t want to miss it. But only those who are on the invited list will be welcomed.

Have you received your invitation yet?

Invitations are easier to get

than you think. They’re free and available to everyone. There is only one requirement, that you come empty-handed. Advanced education won’t get you in. Good deeds won’t. Massive bank accounts won’t. Any guilt over your sin will disqualify you. But there’s good news. Your sin was paid for when Jesus died on a cross some 2,000 years ago. Your part is so simple many miss it and thereby won’t get their name on the guest list. In humility, you must a.) recognize that you are a sinner and that left on your own you could never pay the price to erase your sin; b.) believe what the Bible says about sin (“The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” [Rom. 6:23]); c.) believe what the Bible says, (“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” [Rom. 10:9 emphasis added]).

If you’re thinking that this sounds too good to be true, you’re not alone. Many think this and choose not to believe the simple truth from a God who cannot lie (Tit. 1:2). For a more detailed description of what God thinks about you personally, visit our Steps To Salvation page on this site.

For you who have your invitation already,

there’s surely someone in your sphere of influence who is not yet on Jesus’ guest list. Time is running out and tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. Pray that God would show you who needs to hear this good news and that He would empower you to open your mouth and share and keep sharing until you no longer have breath. See y’all at the feast.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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