Is There Really a God?


Living in Colorado,

I am exposed to the beauty and majesty of God’s creation daily. Whether I look at the sunrise or sunset, or the incredible 14ers (for you non-Coloradans, those are mountains that exceed 14,000 feet), one of which I see from my deck, or watch a lightning storm spread from mountain to plain, I’m reminded of Psalm 19:1-3, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard.

Romans 1:19, 20 gives us further proof, “…because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.”

If you were in a courtroom, watching an important trial, and undeniable evidence like what we just read was presented, you’d have no choice but to go along with whichever side did that presentation. So why do men still deny there is a God? It’s simple, really. Go back to Psalm 19, verse 1. “The heavens are telling…their expanse is declaring…no words…voice is not heard.

Just what is the story being told?

In the silence of observation, that there IS a God. He’s powerful. He’s creative. But, to accept that as fact, one has to recognize that if there is a “creation” then there HAS to be a “Creator.” Just like if there is a house, there had to be a building contractor. Intelligent design, which is literally everywhere in nature, demands a designer. Stuff doesn’t migrate from nothing to something, changing and adding along the way. Chaos never evolves to order, but the opposite is always true. So because man’s pride (and sin) doesn’t go quietly, he knows that if there really is a Creator, then he would be accountable to Him. And He would have the right to set the rules. Coming to that conclusion means giving up self-rule and most of us hate the thought of not being in control.

I believe the main reason for not flocking to God, aside from not giving up our pride, is that the big picture has not been effectively painted. Let me make it simple. There IS a God and He loves us. But He is righteous and doesn’t tolerate sin. We sin. That separates us from God. The penalty? Death. Yes, there is a heaven and a hell. And we will spend eternity in one or the other. There’s no third option. We have an enemy named Satan. He is a liar and clever. His pitch hasn’t changed since the Garden of Eden. He lures us with lies about God, lies about what satisfies, and lies about our future.

Because God loves us,

and wants us to spend eternity with Him, He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to earth to share God’s message of love and forgiveness. His mission? To die in our place because we could never meet God’s standard of holiness. We could never amass enough good deeds, give enough to worthy causes, or live a life without sin. Therefore, our destiny apart from Jesus Christ is eternity in hell. You think things are bad in the world now, just wait. In a short time, all the Christians in the world will be called to leave this world (it’s called the Rapture) and meet Jesus to begin our new lives in eternity.

If you don’t admit and get rid of your pride and recognize the truth of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection on your behalf, you’ll be part of the crowd that finds out first-hand just how bad things can get…but only for three and a half years. Then the bad quickly becomes the worst and there’s no second chances, no excuses (see verse above).

Our Creator…

wants us to know Him, wants us with Him forever. That’s why He gave us His Word that describes Him and His plan for us. Don’t be one who falls for the devil’s lies. The ONLY truth you can bet your future on is the Bible. Read it. Believe it. Turn to Jesus as your only hope. Time is short and there isn’t anything prophesied with regard to “the end” that still needs to happen before Jesus calls us home. Get ready by confessing that you’re a sinner and can’t save yourself. Trust that Christ’s death on the cross paid your tab. If you do that, your future in heaven is secure. Find a good Bible believing church and get involved in corporate worship, fellowship, and some kind of ministry to share what has happened to you. See our Steps to Salvation page for more detail.

Thanks for reading. Come back often and let us know if we can help.

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